Thursday, April 21, 2011

mind on my Shakespeare and Shakespeare on my mind

As You Like It Rap
All the world’s a stage
And we’re just players
My dad was exiled
‘cause Fredrick was a hater

Like Jacob and Esau
And the bowl of stew
Usurped his power
This story’s not new

I am not Rosalind
I am Ganymede
Went to Arden so Fredrick
Couldn’t mess with me

Took his girl Celia
But she knew the truth
Still had my back like
Naomi and Ruth

Wherever thou goeset
There I will go
But I made it up to her
By the end of the show

Met some boys back home
Orlando had no game
So I showed him how to love
But I used a different name

Ganymede was a
Pretty-faced boy
Taken to Olympus
To be Zeus’s toy

So it makes sense
That everyone wants me
And that wench named Audrey

Everyone got married
‘cause it’s a comedy
Took off my guise
And told them it was me

So What I can’t rap
I don’t give a S#*t
This is my paper
On As You Like It

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